Toolmaking & mechanical engineering
In toolmaking and mechanical engineering, hardening is a critical step in improving the service life and performance of tools, moulds and other components.
Toolmaking and mechanical engineering
at a glance

Environmental technology
HTR hardens wear-resistant components for plastics recycling machines used around the globe.

Punching and forming technology
HTR uses the proven vacuum hardening process to refine tool components that are essential for stamping and bending.

Mould making
During hardening, HTR gives metal moulds precisely defined properties that make them particularly robust and wear-resistant for use in mould and tool making.

Environmental technology
HTR hardens wear-resistant components for plastics recycling machines used around the globe.

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RICO Elastomere Projecting GmbH
Hardened components for mould making
HTR hardens injection moulds for RICO GmbH, which are used in the production of plastic components for the household appliance, medical technology and automotive industries.