Seminars & expert advice


Specialist advice & seminars

We share our expertise with you in consultations and seminars so that we can then realise your project with maximum efficiency. By working closely with us right from the planning phase, you reduce your costs and save valuable time.

Specialist advice from the hardness expert

The quality of the hardened components is our top priority. That is why we support you from the selection of materials to the implementation of the optimum heat treatment.


Thanks to their many years of experience in materials technology and our focus on ongoing training, our employees can answer all technical questions and know exactly what is important for you.

The ideal combination of material and hardening process can be a very complex decision, in which we support you with our expert knowledge. The right choice has a significant influence on the durability and therefore the service life of your product, which is a relevant cost factor. We provide our expert advice by telephone or in person, and are also happy to visit you on site in combination with a factory tour.

Get in touch with us – Together we will turn your project into a success story!

Gerald Holzner


Ing. Gerald Holzner

Your contact for specialist advice

Rüdig Sponner


Ing. Rüdiger Sponner

Your contact for specialist advice

Customised seminars for our customers

As your long-term partner, we offer you an unbiased insight into our work and pass on our expertise to you.
More in-depth knowledge transfer than specialist consultations is made possible by customised further training courses, which we offer to our customers if required. What detailed information plays a role for you? The basics of heat treatment or more process-specific content? How much time would you like to invest?

In order to customise the seminars exactly to your needs, we do not set fixed dates, but adapt to you in terms of topic, time and even location. If the workshop takes place at our premises, you will be able to experience all stages of production at first hand.

In addition, your apprentices have the opportunity to work with us for a few days and thus acquire further skills for use in your company. Request a  personalised offer now, free of charge and without obligation!

Klaus Höggerl


DI Klaus Höggerl

Your contact for seminars

Silvio Stranek

Silvio Stranek

Your contact for seminars