HTR is also the offical sponsor of the Huskies Wels in 2024


HTR & Huskies - what the year 2023 was like together


Since last year, HTR and the Huskies Wels have built a strong partnership to strengthen the community and promote sport in Upper Austria.


Joint football matches and training sessions have not only increased team strength on the pitch, but also fostered mutual appreciation and understanding between the employees of both companies. The Huskies Wels players were given an insight into the world of hardening technology, while the HTR employees were able to experience the challenges and fascination of American football at first hand.


The partnership has also had a positive impact beyond the sports arena. The support at the Youth & Career Fair demonstrates the commitment of both companies to the future of young people in the region. Together, they have highlighted career opportunities and emphasised the importance of sport as a tool for personal development.



HTR has a long tradition in the region and has been an important employer and economic factor for many years.  "We are proud to be part of the community and to be involved in local events and activities. As a sponsor of the Huskies Wels, we want to emphasise this connection to the region and the community even more. The American football club is a successful and committed sports team that stands for toughness, endurance and strength - values that are also of great importance to HTR," says Managing Director Klaus Höggerl.

Sponsoring the Huskies Wels gives HTR the opportunity to offer customers and employees a unique experience. With tickets and exclusive VIP experiences for the Huskies Wels games, customers and employees get the opportunity to experience the game up close and personal with the Huskies Wels.


We are thrilled to be part of the Huskies and look forward to having a strong and long-term partnership. We will accompany the team on their sporting journey and support them in all possible areas. We are sure that this connection is of great value not only for us as a company, but also for the Huskies Wels and the city of Wels. We look forward to another successful season in 2024.